Enhancing Your Property

How Can We Improve the Appearance as Well as the Functionality of Your Property?

We Provide Local Thatching Services in the Greater Winston Salem Area, NC.

Things like Aerating and Thatching can improve the health of your grass, and the overall appearance. Adding color to your yard like seasonal flowers, or even new shrubs is a great way to change the look of your flower beds! Lets cover some ground!

Explore the Benefits of Thatching and Aerating

As common as thatching and aeration services are, you may not be aware of their benefits. Together, aerating and thatching can help:

  • Improve drainage
  • Relieve soil compaction
  • Allow for easier nutrient, water and air penetration
  • Stimulate existing roots and encourage new root growth

We offer sod installations, as well as seasonal flowers, shrubs, small trees, or other plants to transform your yard into something fun and fresh! Let us know how we can help today!

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